Sunday, August 14, 2005

Double Ew.

Double Ew.
Originally uploaded by lilmissimpatient.
So, this is what is scraping off of the top of the cabinets. Lauren herded all of the goop onto the end of a paint stirring stick. Shortly after this picture was taken, the goop slithered off of the stick and fell to the floor with a resounding THWAP.

It then proceeded to flow like an amoeba to hide under the cabinets with the ants.

Okay, I made that part up. But it def would have happened if we let it sit on the floor long enough.


:lauren: said...

it really does look like dog shit, doesnt it? lol...

and perhaps you didnt realise it...the brain can be a funny place...but you do know that you used the word ameoba in reference to the blob of goo, right? coincidence? hardly. ;) you're so transparent.

Slink said...

URGH! you should send that off for testing!